Esubmit Requirements for Carriers/Clients
Please send all invoices for processing directly to
Failure to comply with the following requirements will prevent your files from being submitted. If you
are unable to comply with the following requirements you are required to submit your invoices in
another format (US mail, parcel courier, EDI, etc).
The requirements for the esubmit process are as follows:
- Invoice and supporting documentation must be legible.
- Invoice and supporting documentation must be submitted in the correct layout.
The page layout should be portrait (not landscape) and all text horizontal. The invoices should be vertical.
- Invoice must come first in the attachment followed by supporting documentation.
- Invoices and supporting documentation are preferred as unsecured adobe PDF files; however,
tiff format is accepted as well provided the resolution is set to a minimum of 300DPI.
- Invoices and supporting documentation must be submitted together in one file.
- Only one unique client location is allowed per file/email.
- PDF documents were submitted with security enabled. Please have the security credentials removed
and resubmit the information for processing.
- Multiple invoices and their supporting documentation may be submitted in the same file,
but the supporting documentation must follow the invoice it belongs to.
- Example below:
- Pro # 4455
- Supporting documents for pro # 4455
- Pro # 7788
- Supporting documents for pro # 7788